Coptic Collection (Preliminary List):
A. Coptic Bible Series (CB)
- CB1. Genesis.
- CB2. Exodus.
- CB3. Leviticus.
- CB4. Numbers.
- CB5. Deuteronomy.
- CB6. Joshua.
- CB7. Judges.
- CB8. Ruth.
- CB9. I Samual.
- CB10. II Samual.
- CB11. I Kings.
- CB12. II Kings.
- CB13. I & II Chronicles
- CB14. Esther.
- CB15. Judith.
- CB16. Tobit.
- CB17. I & II Machabees.
- CB18. Job.
- CB19. Psalms.
- CB20. Proverbs.
- CB21. Ecclesiastes.
- CB22. Canticle of Cantciles.
- CB23. Wisdom of Solomon.
- CB24. Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach.
- CB25. Hosea.
- CB26. Amos.
- CB27. Micah.
- CB28. Joel.
- CB29. Obadiah.
- CB30. Jonah.
- CB31. Nahum.
- CB32. Habbakkuk.
- CB33. Zephaniah.
- CB34. Haggai.
- CB35. Zacharais.
- CB36. Malachi.
- CB37. Isaiah.
- CB38. Jeramiah.
- CB39. Baruch.
- CB40. Lamentations & Ep. of Jeramiah.
- CB41. Ezekiel.
- CB42. Daniel.
- CB43. Gospel of St. Matthew.
- CB44. Gospel of St. Mark.
- CB45. Gospel of St. Luke.
- CB46. Gospel of St. John.
- CB47. Epistle to the Romans.
- CB48. Epistle to the Corinthians I
- CB49. Epistle to the Corinthians II.
- CB50. Epistle to the Hebrews.
- CB51. Epistles to Galatians & Ephesians.
- CB52. Epistles to Philipians & Colossians.
- CB53. Epistles to the Thessalonians I&II.
- CB54. Epistles to St. Timothy I&II.
- CB55. Epistles to SS. Titus and Philemon.
- CB56. Catholic Epistles of St. Peter I&II.
- CB57. Catholic Epistles of St. John I-III.
- CB58. Catholic Epist. of SS. James & Jude.
- CB59. Acts of the Apostles.
- CB60. Revelation of St. John
B. Coptic History (CH)
To be determined.
C. Coptic Haiography (CS)
- CS1. St. Abraham of Menouf.
- CS2. St. Abraham of Scete.
- CS3. St. Amoun.
- CS4. St. Anatolius.
- CS5 St. Anoub (Abanoub)
- CS6. St. Anthony the Great.
- CS7. SS. Apater and Eirene.
- CS8. St. Aphu.
- CS9. SS. Apip and Apollo.
- CS10. St. Apoli.
- CS11. St. Apollo of Bawit.
- CS12. St. Apollonius.
- CS13. St. Archelides.
- CS14. St. Ari.
- CS15. St. Arianus.
- CS16. St. Arsenius.
- CS17. St. Bajoush.
- CS18. St. Barsuma the Naked.
- CS19. St. Bartholomew.
- CS20. St. Basilides.
- CS21. St. Bessarion.
- CS22. St. Bishai Anub.
- CS23. St. Chamoul.
- CS24. St. Chenoufe.
- CS25. St. Christodorus.
- CS26. St. Claudius of Antioch.
- CS27. St. Colluthus.
- CS28. SS. Clomas, Damian.... etc.
- CS29. SS. Cyriacus, Anna, and Adamon.
- CS30. SS. Cyriacus and Julietta.
- CS31. SS. Cyrus and John.
- CS32. St. Cyrus.
- CS33. St. Daniel of Scete.
- CS34. St. Didymus of Tarshjebi.
- CS35. St. Dionysius the Areopagite.
- CS36. St. Djoore.
- CS37. SS. Dorotheus & Theopista.
- CS38. St. Epime.
- CS39. St. Eugenius.
- CS40. St. Eusebius son of Basilides.
- CS41. St. George of Cappadocia.
- CS42. SS. Geius & Isidore.
- CS43. St. Genousi.
- CS44. St. Haroudj.
- CS45. St. Helias.
- CS46. St. Heraclides.
- CS47. St. Hilaria.
- CS48. St. Ignatius of Antioch.
- CS49. SS. Ioule & Ptelme.
- CS50. St. Issac of Tiphre.
- CS51. St. Isidore the Martyr.
- CS52. St. James the Persian.
- CS53. SS. John and Simeon.
- CS54. St. John the Baptist.
- CS55. St. John Colobos.
- CS56. St. John of the Golden Gospel.
- CS57. St. John the Hegumen.
- CS58. St. John of Heraclia.
- CS59. St. John Khame.
- CS60. St. John of Lycopolis.
- CS61. St. John of Phanidjoit.
- CS62. St. John of Psenhout.
- CS63. St. John the Merciful Patriarch.
- CS64. St. Justus the General.
- CS65. St. Kradjon.
- CS66. St. Lacaron.
- CS67. St. Leontius the Arab.
- CS68. St. Leontius the Tripoli.
- CS69. St. Longinus the Ascete.
- CS70. St. Luke the Evangelist.
- CS71. St. Macarius of Alexandria.
- CS72. St. Macarius of Antioch.
- CS73. St. Macarius the Great.
- CS74. St. Macarius of Tkoou.
- CS75. St. Macrobius the Martyr.
- CS76. St. Mark the Evangelist.
- CS77. St. Mary the Blessed Virgin.
- CS78. St. Mary of Egypt.
- CS79. St. Matthew the Poor.
- CS80. St. Maximus & Domitius.
- CS81. St. Menas of Egypt.
- CS82. St. Mercurius the General.
- CS83. St. Moui the Martyr.
- CS84. St. Nabraha.
- CS85. St. Nahrooh.
- CS86. St. Onuphrius.
- CS87. SS. Paese & Thecla.
- CS88. St. Pachom.
- CS89. SS. Pamun & Sarmata.
- CS90. St. Panteleon.
- CS91. St. Paphnutius of Denderah.
- CS92. St. Paphnutius the Martyr.
- CS93. St. Papohe Disciple of St. Apolllo.
- CS94. St. Paul the Hermit.
- CS95. St. Paul of Tamuah.
- CS96. St. Peter of Alexandria, Patriarh.
- CS97. St. Peter the Iberian.
- CS98. St. Philimon the Piper.
- CS99. St. Philotheos the Martyr.
- CS100. St. Phib the Monk.
- CS101. St. Phoebammon.
- CS102. St. Phidjimi.
- CS103. SS. Pihour, Pisoura,....etc.
- CS104. St. Pior.
- CS105. SS. Piroou & Athom.
- CS106. St. Pisentius.
- CS107. St. Pisoura the Bishop.
- CS108. St. Polycarpe.
- CS109. St. Porphyry.
- CS110. St. Psote.
- CS111. St. Ptolemy.
- CS112. St. Samuel of Qalamon.
- CS113. St. Sarabamon the Martyr.
- CS114. St. Sarapion.
- CS115. St. Sergius of Atripe.
- CS116. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite.
- CS117. St. Simeon the Stylite.
- CS118. St. Sousenyous.
- CS119. St. Theodore the General.
- CS120. St. Theodore the Oriental.
- CS121. St. Theodore of Tabinis.
- CS122. St. Theognosta.
- CS123. St. Theonas of Alexandria.
- CS124. St. Thomas of Psentalet.
- CS125. St. Timothy of Memphis.
- CS126. St. Til (Apatil).
- CS127. St. Victor the General.
- CS128. 7 Sleepers of Ephesus.
- CS129. 40 Martyrs of Sebasta.
- CS130. 49 Martyrs of Scetis.
D. Coptic Writings of the Fathers (CW)
- CW1. St. Acacius of Constantinople.
- CW2. St. Acacius of Caesarea.
- CW3. St. Agathon of Alexandria.
- CW4. St. Agathonicus of Tarsus.
- CW5. St. Alexander of Alexandria.
- CW6. St. Amphilochius of Iconium.
- CW7. St. Anastasius of Euchaita.
- CW8. St. Anthony the Great.
- CW9. St. Archelaus of Niopolis.
- CW10. St. Athanasthius of Alexandria.
- CW11. St. Athanasius of Antoich.
- CW12. St. Basil of Caesarea.
- CW13. St. Basil of Pimje.
- CW14. St. Benjemin of Alexandria.
- CW15. St. Besa the Archimandrite.
- CW16. St. Celestinus of Rome.
- CW17. St. Clement of Rome.
- CW18. St. Constantinus of Lycopolis.
- CW19. St. Cyprian of Antioch.
- CW20. St. Cyril of Alexandria.
- CW21. St. Cyril of Jerusalem.
- CW22. St. Damian of Alexandria.
- CW23. St. Demetrius of Antioch.
- CW24. St. Dionysius the Areopagite.
- CW25. St. Dioscorus of Alexandria.
- CW26. St. Ephraem the Anchorite.
- CW27. St. Ephraem the Syrian.
- CW28. St. Epiphanius of Salamis.
- CW29. Eusebius of Caesarea.
- CW30. Evagrius.
- CW31. St. Euodius of Rome.
- CW32. St. Flavian of Ephesus.
- CW33. St. Gregory of Nazianz.
- CW34. St. Gregory of Nyssa.
- CW35. Hermas, Shepherd of.
- CW36. St. Hippolytus of Rome.
- CW37. St. Horsiesius.
- CW38. St. Ignatius of Antioch.
- CW39. St. Irenaus of Lyon.
- CW40. St. Isaac of Hnes.
- CW41. St. Isaac of Qalamun.
- CW42. St. Isaiah of Scete.
- CW43. St. John of Alexandria.
- CW44. St. John of Ashmunin.
- CW45. St. John of Burulus.
- CW46. St. John Chrysostom
- CW47. St. John the Presbyter
- CW48. St. Liberius of Rome.
- CW49. St. Macarius the Great.
- CW50. St. Mark III of Alexandria.
- CW51. St. Melito of Sardis.
- CW52. St. Menas of Pshati.
- CW53. St. Moses the Archimandrite
- CW54. St. Moses of Qift.
- CW55. St. Moses of Tkoou.
- CW56. St. Pachom.
- CW57. St. Palladius of Helenopolis.
- CW58. St. Pambo of Scete
- CW59. St. Paphnutius the Monk.
- CW60. St. Papohe.
- CW61. St. Peter of Alexandria.
- CW62. St. Peter Mongus.
- CW63. St. Phobammon of Akhmim
- CW64. St. Pisentius of Qift.
- CW65. St. Prochorus.
- CW66. St. Proclus of Cyzicus.
- CW67. St. Psoius of Constantinople.
- CW68. St. Psote of Psoi.
- CW69. St. Rufus of Shotep.
- CW70. St. Samuel of Qalamon.
- CW71. St. Severianus of Gabala.
- CW72. St. Severus of Antioch.
- CW73. St. Shenouda the Archimandrite.
- CW74. St. Steven of Hnes.
- CW75. St. Theodore of Antioch.
- CW76. St. Theodore the Archimandrite.
- CW77. St. Theodosius of Alexandria.
- CW78. St. Theodosius of Jerusalem.
- CW79. St. Theodotius of Ancyra.
- CW80. St. Theopemptus of antioch.
- CW81. St. Theophilus of Alexandria.
- CW82. St. Timothy of Alexandria.
- CW83. St. Zacharias of Shu
E. Coptic Rites (CR)
- CR1. Coptic Horologion (Agbeyia).
- CR2. Coptic Psalmodia, Annual.
- CR3. Coptic Psalmodia. Kiahk.
- CR4. Interpretation of the Theotokia.
- CR5. Difnar (1), Tut-Kiahk.
- CR6. Difnar (2), Tubah-Baramuda.
- CR7. Difnar (3), Bachons-Nasi
- CR8. Service of the Raising of Incense.
- CR9. Coptic Anaphora of St. Basil.
- CR10. Coptic Anaphora of St. Gregory.
- CR11. Coptic Anaphora of St. Cyril.
- CR12. Miscellaneous Coptic Liturgies.
- CR13. Coptic Lectionary, Annual, Tut-Amshir.
- CR14. Coptic Lectionary, Annual, Baunah-Nasi.
- CR15. Coptic Lectionary of Lent.
- CR16. Coptic Lectionary of the Holy Pascha.
- CR17. Coptic Lectionary of the Paschaltide
- CR18. Procession of the Cross at the Feast of the Cross
- CR19. Coptic Canon of the Feast of St.John the Baptist.
- CR20. Coptic Canon of the Feast of St. Shenouda the Archimandrite
- CR21. Coptic Turuhat of the Year, Sundays and Feasts.
- CR22. Coptic Turuhat of the Saints.
- CR23. Coptic Turuhat of the Holy Pascha
- CR24. Coptic Laqan (washing of the feet), Epiphany.
- CR25. Coptic laqan (washing of the feet), Maunday Thursday.
- CR26. Coptic laqan (washing of the feet), Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul.
- CR27. Coptic Service of the Genuflection.
- CR28. Coptic Diaconal.
- CR29. Coptic Office of the Holy Baptism and Chrism.
- CR30. Coptic Office of the Holy Matrimony.
- CR31. Coptic Office of the Holy Unction (Al-Qandil).
- CR32. Coptic Office of the Funerals.
- CR33. Coptic Ordination of the Patriarchs
- CR34. Coptic Ordinations of the Holy Orders.
- CR35. Consecration of the New Church, Altar, Vessels, ... etc.
- CR36. Benediction of the Monks.
F. Coptic Canon Law (CL)
- CL1. Coptic Didache.
- CL2. Coptic Apostolic Constitutions.
- CL3. Coptic Canons of the Council of Nice.
- CL4. Coptic Canons of the Council of Ephesus.
- CL5. Coptic Canons of St. Athanasius.
- CL6. Coptic Canons of St. Basil.
G. Coptic Miscellaneous (CM)
- CM1. Physiologus.
- CM2. Coptic Medical Texts.
- CM3. Coptic Astronomy Texts.
- CM4. Miscellaneous Coptic Science Texts.
Arabic Collection (Preliminary List):
A. Church History (AH)
- AH1. History of the Patriarchs By Bishop Severus Ibn Al-Muqafah of Ashmunin
- AH2. History of Ibn Al-Makin.
B. Hagiography (AS)
- AS1. St. Damiana
- AS2. St. Takla Himanyout.
- AS3. St. Julius of Khebhs.
C. Writings of the Fathers (AW)
- AW1 Al-Mawhub Ibn Mansur.
- AW2 Bishop Bulus al-Bushi.
- AW3 Ibn Kabar.
- AW4 Ibn Kaiser.
- AW5 Bishop Severus Ibn Al-Muqafah.
D. Rites of the Coptic Church (AR)
- AR1. Coptic Synaxarium, Tut-Amshir.
- AR2. Coptic Synaxarium, Baramhat-Nasi.
- AR3. Consecration of the Holy Chrism.
E. Canon Law (AL)
- AL1. Canon Laws Of St. Cyril II of Alexandria.
- AL2. Canon Laws of Cyrill III (Ibn Loqloq) of Alex.
- AL3. Canon Laws of Bishop Michael of Damiette.
- AL4. Canon Laws of St. Christodulus of Alexandria.
F. Arabic Miscellaneous (AM)
To be determined.
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